Doggy VS Depression- 6 ways my Pet Brought Me peace

and why adopting might just help you, too.


I’ve had Alfie, my first “very own” dog, for almost two years now. Two years of waking up to tiny licks on my forehead instead of an alarm clock. Two years of feeling like the most special, valued person in the world when I come home at the end of the day. Two years of adventures, companionship, and unconditional love. The best two years of my damn life. Needless to say, Alfie has moved mountains for my mental health and brought peace of mind to my otherwise anxious brain. He’s a magic little creature and I won the lottery the day he came into my life. I really believe that dogs (animals in general) are some of the best medicine when it comes to mental health, and quality of life in general. So if you’re struggling, reach out. Talk to your friends. Adopt a dog. Adopt 5 dogs. Quit your job and stay home with your dogs all day. haha. Just kidding. You get the point. Read on.

1- My pup put my health into perspective.

Okay so normally in life I’m a real cheap gal. I mean, I prefer the term nifty, thrifty even… but let’s just call it what it is. I love a good bargain. I’ll eat cereal for dinner to save a buck. But when it came to stocking up on new puppy food, toys, shampoo, etc., all that I cared about was getting the highest quality, regardless of price. It was a no-brainer to me to invest in nothing but the best for my little doggo dude, so why isn’t it as easy to invest in these things for myself? Why don’t I value my health and happiness in this same way? I imagine this same sort of thing happens when you have a real child. You suddenly realize how precious life is- and you have a reason to stick around and cherish it. Your baby needs you at your best.

I’ve never felt so responsible or in love with something as much as I have for Alfie. You can bet that means I’m the crazy lady in Bosley’s reading the ingredients and reviews on everything. One time, I even asked the cashier for dog sunscreen for mine and Alfie’s trip to Mexico. They laughed at me but that’s BESIDES the point!!! The responsibility of a tiny, fragile puppy’s health really put my own health into perspective. I’m mindful of what I’m eating (recently went full veg!), and I automatically get more fresh air and exercise by taking Alfie outside multiple times a day…while wearing my sunscreen. Haha.

2- He is the perfect social buffer.

Terrified of small talk? Social anxiety got ya sweatin’? Enter, the cute dog companion. A true socially awkward-stress-case LIFE HACK. Alfie is always the centre of attention. If I’m at a loss for words or can’t think of something to talk about other than the weather, I’ll just be like “awe look at Alfie”. Or I’ll tell a funny story about him. Or he’ll just randomly do something adorable to lighten the mood. Works every time.

Plus, having him by my side gives me something in common other owners and so many people whom I otherwise may not have connected with. No awkward silences, always a great doggo energy.

3- He has taught me mindfulness.

Dogs live in the moment, always. They don’t hold grudges or sweat the small stuff. They bask in the feeling of grass between their paws and wind in their fur. They appreciate nature and show their affection non-stop. They’re here for a good time, not a long time.

Alfie has taught me about living in love, and living for today. I’m also constantly present because, well, I have to be. I need to keep my eyes off my phone and on him. First of all, he’s tiny. A truly fragile fluff ball. Secondly, I don’t wanna miss any part of his life; dogs’ one flaw is that their lives are too short. And Third, he’s so damn cute I just cannot look away.

4- He gets me outside.

This one speaks for itself. Dogs need to walk, dogs need fresh air, dogs need to move, explore, and enjoy… and so do I. And so do you.

Alfie reminds me just how precious nature is, even on the rainiest days.

5- He shows me the best in people.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again…Alfie makes everything better. He brings smiles out of strangers. He can turn a grumpy, rushed, businessman into a giddy, light-hearted friend for a moment in time while we cross paths.

I have countless positive interactions with people daily thanks to Alfie. I have the pleasure of listening to adorable little old ladies and children say “You made my day, thank you!” each time we stop for pets. I feel like the luckiest person on earth to be able to make people’s days by doing…like nothing. I just get to own a cool dog! What even is life!!! No matter our differences, we can all appreciate an adorable dog making the world a better place.

6- He gives me purpose.

It’s no fun to talk about, but at my lowest of lows, the thought of ending it all has crossed my mind in the past. Like many, I’ve self-harmed in times of dark depression and considered leaving this world. These feelings are far too common for people today. While I know this subject is far too complex for a one-trick fix, Alfie gives me reason to stick around. He relies on me for leadership, shelter, care, and love…and in return I get the same from him.

There are probably 500 other ways this little dust bunny enriches my life- but I’ll leave you with my favourite quote from a stock photo I saw once…

“Sometimes the best medicine is the dog who thinks their love can cure you”

Halle Rutledge